Frequently Asked Questions
Pre-Planning Funeral Guide available from our office or click the link here
Q. Who should I contact first when it is time to arrange a funeral?
A. The undertaker will make all of the arrangements on your behalf. This includes organisation of and payment for the grave purchase, grave opening/cremation charges, church offerings, newspaper announcements, flowers, music at the ceremony, etc.
Q Where do I get a death cert
A. (1) If a death takes place in Hospital or similar institution the hospital will register the death and you should enquire from the registrar's office at the hospital as to where you can obtain the cert.
(2) Death takes place at home; the attending Doctor will issue a Cause of Death Cert which you bring to the register of births Deaths and marriages.
Q. Is it possible to delay the funeral for a few days?
A. With today's modern embalming techniques it is possible to delay a funeral a considerable length of time.
Q. What is a Post Mortem / Autopsy?
A. Where a deceased has not been attending a Doctor or there is no history of illness it will be necessary to perform a P M to ascertain the exact cause of death.
Q. Can I object to a P M?
A. If the post mortem has been ordered by the Coroner you cannot object or stop a post mortem taking place. If the coroner orders a P M in most cases it means that there is no Doctor willing to issue a cause of death cert and therefore it would be impossible to obtain a death cert. If the Hospital authorities ask your permission to perform a P M you are quite entitled to refuse provided that there is a Doctor willing to issue a cause of death cert.
Q. Is Cremation cheaper than a burial type funeral?
A. No two funerals are the same therefore no two funerals cost the same. With cremation you do not have to purchase a burial plot at the time of death. Should you decide to bury the ashes in an existing grave there may be an interment charge for this. In general similar type funerals be they burial or cremation will not differ greatly in price.
Q. And lastly the question we're most frequently asked, Is the coffin used in cremation?
A. Yes it is.